Friday, December 01, 2006

The Bright Side: So Bright It's Blinding

The bright side? Well, I was completely left out of the play, I have a crush on a gay guy, my mother is moving into an apartment owned by my dad and his girlfriend…really, must I go on. There is no bright side. The bright side has gone cloudy and I forgot my umbrella. Yes, that’s correct my friends. I have given up. Apparently there is someone up there who really, really hates me and is going out of his/her way to make my life a living hell in which I will gain nothing, have nothing, and, due to the play audition results, be nothing. I am officially just a smart girl. That’s it. When someone describes me….I am smart. No and, no but. Just smart. Smart and the only competent person in my lab group because apparently no one other then me knows how to use a scale. I give and give and give and what do I get back? A call sheet without my name on it. You want to know the really sad part: I actually planned the rest of my year around these stupid, frigging play practices that I can’t take part of because, apparently, I suck. So yes, I have given up on the bright side and my bet is that if you had a crush on a gay guy you would too. Yes, you would be suffering from a seething rage that is so intense you want to stalk right in and beat the living crap out of the producers of your high school’s idiotic and poorly casted production of West Side Story because deep down you really thought you had a chance of being casted, even if only for ensemble. So yes I have officially moved over to the dark side because at least over there, they have cake.

Card Carrying Member of the Dark Side- Viola


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